Studio Projects > EcoArt Projects

Fractured Farmland, series
Found Cardboard, drawing incised with knife, watercolor pigments
5 x 7
Fractured Farmland, series
Found Cardboard, drawing incised with knife, watercolor pigments
5 x 7
Eco-art, deforestation, activist art, paper waste, recycling, recycled art
Reclaimed paperboard packaging from my family's wastestream
40 x 40 x 4
A critical look at waste, recycling and personal involvement in environmental decline
Reclaimed paperboard packaging from my family's wastestream
27 x 27 x 3 (and growing)
eco-art, deforestation, activist art, paper waste, recycling, recycled art
Reclaimed paperboard packaging from my family's wastestream
40 x 40 x 4
EcoArt, Food policy, Western diet, over-packaging, convenience foods, recycling, paperboard, USDA subsidies, critical of farm subsidies
Reclaimed paperboard food boxes, unpainted lumber
48" x 18"
Eco-art, deforestation, activist art, paper waste, recycling, recycled art
Found cardboard, drawing incised with knife
eco-art, cardboard, recycled art, deforestation art, paper waste art, activist art
Found Cardboard, drawing incised with knife
Forest Lost-series
Found cardboard, drawing incised with knife
Ecology Deforestation Virgin-pulp toilet paper recycled toilet paper petition
guerilla bathroom stall poster, virgin-fiber toilet paper, petition
Bye Bye Blackbird DRC-1339 USDA avicide program of poisoning migrating blackbirds by sunflower farmers is critically examined and commemorated
Hand-sculpted and cast porcelain, experimental glazes, rice
4' x 8'
Seed bombs for guerilla artists and gardeners who oppose the USDA Bye Bye Blackbird policy using an avicide called DRC-1339
cow manure, compost, red clay, sunflower seed
DRC-1339 opponents send crop dusting birds aflight to re-seed the earth for the birds benefit, community engagement, seed bombs, EcoArt Activism, Art Action, Relational Aesthetics
Handmade paper, recycled farm magazines, sunflower seed
Monsanto Chemicals own the seed patents and legal rights to over 93% of all the soybean seeds planted in the land of the free and the home of the brave.
Mason jar, my own organic soybeans, moxy
1 quart jar
EcoArt plastic water bottles guerilla art ecology price of water gas station price sign
Inkjet photo with photoshopped text
11 x 17 guerilla art poster
water conservation bottled water plastics waste water privatization human rights
Inkjet photo with photoshopped text
water rights, water privatization, plastics waste, consumption, human rights, water resources
Inkjet photo with photoshopped text